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Converting a dissertation or thesis into a journal article can be rewarding as it allows you to share your research with a broader academic audience. This process requires careful adaptation to ensure that the work is concise, focused, and aligned with the expectations of scholarly journals.
Here is a template (6,000 Words) designed to help you navigate the process of transforming your dissertation into a publishable journal article and follow the APA Style Publication Manual.
Choose a concise, descriptive title that encapsulates the core of your research.
Summarize the research purpose, methodology, results, and significance, ensuring brevity and clarity. APA guidelines limit journal abstracts to 150 words.
Select relevant terms that highlight the key themes of the article.
Related Resource: Section 12.1 APA Style Manual emphasizes the importance of providing a focused introduction that narrows down the literature review to directly relevant studies.
Related Resource: Section 12.1 of the APA 7th Edition Manual advises on condensing a dissertation’s extensive literature review for journal articles.
Related Resource: Section 12.1 of the APA Manual emphasizes the importance of brevity and directing readers to supplemental materials or previous studies for full methodological details.
Related Resource: The APA Manual encourages reporting primary, secondary, and exploratory analyses while ensuring that only the most significant results are highlighted.
Related Resource: Section 12.1 of the APA Manual emphasizes aligning the Discussion section with the results reported, avoiding extrapolation beyond the data.
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