Religion and Culture Book Series

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Book Series
This book series welcomes innovative contributions that examine the complex and evolving roles of religion and culture in public life worldwide. Adopting a cross-disciplinary perspective, the series addresses how religious beliefs, cultural values, and diverse practices impact personal identities, guide ethical frameworks, and shape resilient communities. By exploring themes such as the influence of geographical and cultural diversity, media representations, and the intersections of religion with social justice, public policy, and global discourse, this series seeks to foster a deeper understanding of the ways religion interacts with societal challenges and opportunities in the contemporary world.

Designed to engage educators, researchers, practitioners, and policy experts, this series encourages proposals that explore the social, ethical, and cultural dimensions of religion, with special attention to their impact on public service, governance, and community-building. The series invites contributions from a broad range of fields, including Humanities for Public Service, Appalachian Studies, Judaic Studies, and Medieval Studies.

Tentative Book Themes for Proposal Submissions:

  1. Faith in Action: Religion and Public Service Across Cultures
    Exploring how religious values inspire community service, volunteerism, and social engagement.
  2. Sacred Geographies: Place and Identity in Religious Practice
    Examining the influence of regional and environmental factors on religious traditions and beliefs.
  3. Faith in the Age of Media and Pop Culture
    Investigating the modern influence of media and entertainment on religious expression and identity formation.
  4. Religious Pluralism: Navigating Faith in Multicultural Societies
    Analyzing the complexities of coexistence, integration, and tension in religiously diverse communities.
  5. Ethics and Social Justice: Religion as a Force for Change
    Examining religion’s role in shaping public ethics and its involvement in social justice movements and public policy.
  6. Faith-Based Initiatives: Building Resilience and Community
    Highlighting how religious organizations foster belonging and contribute to community resilience in times of need.
  7. The Media’s Influence on Religion and Public Perception
    Analyzing media portrayals of religion and their impact on societal attitudes and public opinion.
  8. Religion in Policy and Governance
    Exploring how religious principles influence policy-making and ethical governance in secular contexts.
  9. Interfaith Initiatives: Building Understanding Across Boundaries
    Examining successful interfaith collaborations that promote social harmony and mutual respect.
  10. Rituals and Cultural Memory in a Globalized World
    Exploring how religious traditions and rituals are preserved, adapted, and redefined amid globalization.

Call for Proposals:
We invite book proposals that align with these themes or offer fresh insights into the intersections of religion, culture, and public life. Submissions should aim to enhance our understanding of religion’s role in shaping societies, offering accessible approaches that appeal to scholars, educators, policymakers, and general readers alike.

Resources for Authors/Editors:


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