Black Mothers and Parenting Series

0 Titles

The "Black Mothers and Parenting Series" looks into the unique experiences, challenges, and triumphs of Black mothers across diverse contexts. This series aims to explore the intersectionality of race, gender, and motherhood, providing a comprehensive examination of the social, economic, political, and cultural factors that shape the lives of Black mothers. Through both authored books and edited collections, this series will offer critical insights and foster a deeper understanding of the multifaceted realities faced by Black mothers.

Forthcoming books in the series:

1) Behind Closed Doors: Distress, Trauma, Weathering and Resilience Black Mothers Keeping their Peace

2) When Street Lights Come On You Need To Be In The House: Black Mothers Navigating Dangerous Spaces

Suggested Book Titles for the Series:

  • Black Mothers and Public Health
  • Black Mothers and Parenting
  • Narratives of Black Mothers in Politics
  • Black Mother Educators
  • Black Domestic Workers in Media
  • Black Single Mothers
  • Black Mothers' Fight Against Poverty
  • Black Mothers in American Literature
  • Black Mothers in Louisiana
  • Black Women Leaders
  • Black Women and Globalization
  • Black Teenage Mothers
  • Black Women Writers and Society
  • Black Soldiers and Their Families

Contact Information:

Series Editor
Dr. Loren Henderson
Professor, School of Public Policy
University of Maryland, Baltimore County, United States

Resources for Authors/Editors:

We look forward to receiving your proposals and continuing to expand the dialogue on the unique and vital experiences of Black mothers through this series.

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No titles have been published yet.