Writing, Rhetoric, Cultures, and Communication Book Series

0 Titles

This book series emphasizes curiosity, discovery, and the robust exchange of ideas in the field of writing, rhetoric, and technical communications. It explores the significance of writing and communication by drawing across techniques and media, being attentive to audience and purpose, and sharing ideas with the world. This interdisciplinary series serves as an outlet for scholars engaged in the theoretical, practical, rhetorical, and cultural implications of technical communication, broadly encompassing business, scientific, and health communication.

Suggested Areas of Writing :

  • Interdisciplinary Research in Technical Communication
  • Business, Scientific, and Health Communication
  • Intercultural and Risk Communication
  • New Media and Social Media
  • Visual Communication and Rhetoric
  • Disability and Accessibility Issues
  • Communication Ethics
  • Health Communication
  • Rhetoric of Popular Culture
  • Cultural Differences in Persuasive Writing
  • Indigenous and Ethnographic Writing
  • Rhetoric and History
  • African American Expressive Cultures
  • Rhetorical Performance
  • Network-Emergent Rhetorical Invention
  • Cross-Cultural Rhetorical Analysis
  • Critical Cultural Disability Studies

Complete Manuscripts: Manuscripts should be 20,000–40,000 words

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