Perspectives and Experience in International Education: Insights from a Veteran Educator
In this look back at the history and forward to possible trends of the field of International Education, the author reflects on their experiences as an IE professional and related challenges and trends. Challenges include the need to keep pace with constant change, to increase diversity and access to educational mobility programs, and to promote deep personal awareness and global learning of participants in the face of increased attachment to personal technology. Accomplishments include the professionalization of the field through increased rigorous knowledge production such as peer-reviewed research and publications, professional conferences, and the establishment of advanced educational programs. The essay closes with a call to always keep the rationales for our work central to our professional consciousness, to both cherish and grow the joy we feel when learning and self-awareness happen, and to support those in the future who will consider our lived experiences as their histories.
Keywords: Challenges, History, International Education, Skills, Trends