Navigating the American Dream: A Comprehensive Survival Guide for International Students


Bo Zhang
Bo Zhang
Emmah Muema
Emmah Muema
Shenhaye Ferguson
Shenhaye Ferguson
Rachel Kamnkhwani
Rachel Kamnkhwani
Luke Parker
Luke Parker
Candice Peters
Candice Peters


Based on their personal experiences spanning various facets of the international student life cycle in the U.S., the authors of the book “Navigating the ‘American Dream’ ” recognized the pressing need for a resource that goes beyond and above, offering comprehensive information, resources, and practical tips. Unlike existing publications, this book is a trailblazer, covering the entire spectrum of international students’ educational journey in the U.S., providing essential insights, resources, and strategies to address students’ diverse needs.


Bo Zhang University of Hartford, USA
Emmah Muema University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
Shenhaye Ferguson University of Denver, USA
Rachel Kamnkhwani University of Denver, USA
Luke Parker University of Kansas, USA
Candice Peters Appalachian State University, USA

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