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Responding to the growing need for recruitment and retention of international talent in higher education institutions globally, this volume documents the experiences and contribution of international graduate students, researchers, and faculty.
This text foregrounds perspectives around recruitment, transition, integration, professional development, and the retention of scholars originating from, or arriving in, countries including China, Australia, Iraq, Japan, and the US. By investigating the support systems that are in place to assist foreign-born faculty members in institutes of higher education, the text provides important insights for departments and institutions as they look to successfully attract and retain global academic talent. Moreover, the scientific and practical implications of the research presented in the text directly informs institutional policy, working towards more effective, inclusive, and equitable ways to support international faculty.
This text will benefit researchers, academics, and educators with an interest in higher education, international and comparative education, and, more specifically, those involved with faculty development programs. The text will also support further discussion and reflection around multicultural education, international teaching and learning, and educational policy more broadly.
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The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) tools based on advanced language models, such as ChatGPT and Bard, is transforming industries and professions worldwide, and higher education is no exception. ChatGPT, an AI-powered chatbot developed by OpenAI, has created a substantial amount of conversation and controversy across academia regarding what generative AI means for teaching and learning in the classroom. There is plenty of speculation not only about how those innovations will affect the academic profession but also what unique opportunities and challenges they present to global higher education. In this book, authors delve into the impact of AI and ChatGPT on higher education leadership and management, examining potential opportunities and challenges that this innovative technology presents to teaching, research, program, and policy.
The primary purpose of this volume is to provide a comprehensive, research-driven analysis of AI chatbots’ roles in shaping institutions of higher education around the world. By exploring the transformative potential of ChatGPT in academic settings, this timely book aims to bridge the gap between technological innovation and its practical applications. In the long run, we anticipate that this volume will provide valuable insights and guidance for teacher-scholars, university administrators, and policymakers on leveraging this cutting-edge technology effectively and responsibly.
Edited By Xi Lin, Roy. Y Chan, Shyam Sharma, Krishna Bista
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This timely volume explores the current and future state of hybrid and remote work in higher education from national, regional, and global perspectives. Today, colleges and universities worldwide must ensure that they have adequate information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure, equipment, and systems to adapt to the “new normal” post-COVID-19. Hybrid and remote work can be a source of boosting productivity and advancing institutional change in higher education. Common within the management and leadership literature, hybrid and remote work is an understudied phenomenon in higher education administration. This book investigates the rapid rise of remote and hybrid work during and after the global pandemic and what it means for the future of higher education in the United States and abroad. By developing a comprehensive, research-based knowledge and framework this book seeks to equip and empower teacher-scholars and practitioners to operate safely, securely, and efficiently in a remote or hybrid environment.
Editors: Roy Y. Chan , Xi Lin , Krishna Bista
Rethinking Hybrid and Remote Work in Higher Education
Is Hybrid and Remote Work Here to Stay? Opportunities and Challenges in the United States and Abroad
Essential Hybrid and Remote Workers in Higher Education: Challenges and Resiliency of Student Affairs Practitioners
Sense of Place and Belonging: The Role of Service-Learning and Faculty Development Centers in Promoting Community Among Hybrid and Remote Faculty Members
An Exploratory Examination of Online Learning During and After the Pandemic: Learning Goal Congruence in Lecturing and Research Activities
Reinventing Remote Work and Online Learning at Colleges and Universities Worldwide
Exploring Faculty Members’ Perceptions of Hybrid Teaching in Indonesian Higher Education: Using Transitivity Analysis
Building, Bonding, and Growing During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study of Indiana University’s Chinese Flagship Program
The Importance of Including Students’ Perspectives in Research to Further Understand New Learning Environments
Post-COVID, Learning Redefined: Self-Directed Learning in Higher Education
Research Discourses on Women Academics During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Has a Bad Situation Turned Worse?
Lessons Learned from Hybrid and Remote Work: Comparative Case Studies
Changes to Hybrid Higher Education Induced by the COVID-19 Pandemic: A South African Case Study
Lessons from Virtual Exchange Programs and Hybrid Study Abroad Programs Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Digital Readiness and Preparation in a University Setting: An Examination of Faculty, Staff and Students’ Practices of Online Education in Nepal
Using Dell Hymes’ SPEAKING MODEL as a Tool to Teach Intercultural Competence and Communication: Cultural Identity in Alexandria, Egypt
Attitude and Motivation of Gamified Mathematics Virtual Remedial Students: Case Study of a Business School in Lima, Peru
Millennial Teachers’ Perspectives on the Graduate Transition to Work in Vietnamese Higher Education
Curriculum Theory and Pedagogy for Student Mobility – an edited collection of international research – seeks to examine how curriculum theory within different social, political, and cultural contexts can be actuated to advance equity and diversity, plus supportive and inclusive outcomes in international student education. A comprehensive volume, it contours a holistic interdisciplinary landscape of the field. The book draws upon both a broad range of curriculum-related theoretical frameworks and multiple perspectives to offer a diverse spectrum of examples about the many challenges and complexities involved in not only theorizing about, but doing the work of, educating international students in institutions of higher education. Additionally, the book provides a strong pedagogical framework for enhanced teaching practices, as well as new avenues for research in international student education. Drawing upon the expertise of contributors from varied backgrounds, identities, fields, and positionalities, the assembled chapters elucidate contemporary curriculum theory and its foundations and uses and analyzes its potential in international education. Equally, theoreticians and practitioners, both, offer valuable insights into conceptualizing, strategizing, and applying curriculum theory-driven research and proven practices for the advancement of the field of international student education.
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